Hi! If you are reading this blog you probably know that my name is Selah Carr and I am about to embark on a journey to Australia!!! God has been doing some crazy things lately and if you had asked me a year ago what I was planning on doing after high school, let me tell you, I would not be saying that I was going to Australia.
I have been accepted to a missions program called YWAM (Youth With A Mission) located in Townsville, Australia. YWAM is an international organization and has bases all over the world. My DTS (Discipleship Training School) begins July 21st (so soon!!!) The DTS I chose to participate in has an ongoing ministry that reaches out to local youth ages 12-17 with the gospel of Jesus and I look forward to building relationships with these youth.
What exactly is a DTS?
Discipleship Training School (DTS) is designed to help students understand God more deeply, live more like Jesus and identify their unique gifts and purpose to use in missions.
DTS is a full-time, residential training course which begins with an 11 or 12 week classroom phase, followed by an 8-12 week outreach time. The DTS emphasizes cross-cultural exposure and global awareness, preparing students to answer the call to "Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19.
Through this blog I hope to keep family, friends, and any one else who is interested updated on the things going on in my life and the wonderful things that God is doing.