Hi! If you are reading this blog you probably know that my name is Selah Carr and I am about to embark on a journey to Australia!!! God has been doing some crazy things lately and if you had asked me a year ago what I was planning on doing after high school, let me tell you, I would not be saying that I was going to Australia.
I have been accepted to a missions program called YWAM (Youth With A Mission) located in Townsville, Australia. YWAM is an international organization and has bases all over the world. My DTS (Discipleship Training School) begins July 21st (so soon!!!) The DTS I chose to participate in has an ongoing ministry that reaches out to local youth ages 12-17 with the gospel of Jesus and I look forward to building relationships with these youth.
What exactly is a DTS?
Discipleship Training School (DTS) is designed to help students understand God more deeply, live more like Jesus and identify their unique gifts and purpose to use in missions.
DTS is a full-time, residential training course which begins with an 11 or 12 week classroom phase, followed by an 8-12 week outreach time. The DTS emphasizes cross-cultural exposure and global awareness, preparing students to answer the call to "Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19.
Through this blog I hope to keep family, friends, and any one else who is interested updated on the things going on in my life and the wonderful things that God is doing.
Wishing you nothing but Love, Happiness & Blessings on this journey that you are about to venture on. Love you! Auntie Tracy xo