Friday, July 19, 2013

As Promised

I have transportation overload at the moment.  Even sitting here on my bed now I feel like I am still moving.  After 50+ hours of flying (this is not travel time through the airports this is JUST flying time), driving for countless hours around the Australian countryside, taking an all day boat ride, and spending a total of 9 hours on buses I can say I'm pooped!  I am so excited to just settle into the adventures of school life.  Ha watch our first team bonding exercise include 12 hours of driving.

Alrighty now as promised here are some pictures.

This is White Haven Beach which is named after its white sand.

This is my most beautiful mother who is very annoying when it comes to letting people take her picture.

It was cloudy but oh so warm! 

My new anklet :) 

These little (huge) guys joined us for lunch.  There are 3 of these guys that apparently are always hanging around and they each have a name.  

This is the one palm tree on the beach which just so happened to mark the pathway to the bathroom.

This is the view at the lookout that we hiked to.

These are from the snorkeling that we did.

I took a picture of some random girl...I thought it was a cool shot! 

The biiiiiig fish! 

I am officially off to YWAM!  It is crazy that the moment that I have been preparing for, now for nearly a year, is here.  Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality by all of your love, prayers, and support.  Also thank you to the special someone who made it possible for me and my mom to have the most wonderful before school mother daughter trip!

This is now the part where normally I would put some inspirational verse about the next chapter of my life or something, but I packed my Bible already and there is no way I am going to crawl through the tightly packed backpack to find it.  

I love you all so much! 

1 comment:

  1. OH MY LANTA SO GORGEOUS! wow looks incredible....and ahem like mother like daughter when it comes to letting people take pictures of them ;)
